All the Details your Wedding Party Members Should Know Before your Wedding

If you’re planning on having wedding party members stand up with you and support you through your wedding day, they likely will have lots of questions on the logistics of what that entails. To make sure that you are making their experience as seamless as possible, usually it’s best to answer their questions before they come. Here are some of the things you might need to tell your wedding party members about and the best way to let everyone know all of these things, so you can make sure it isn’t too difficult for them to support you on your wedding day.

The easiest way to tell your wedding party things:

I highly suggest if you/most of the wedding party members have iPhones to create a shared note with all of the information they might need. If you/your wedding party don’t have iPhones, you can still create a group chat that will have all of this information. I would recommend trying to write it in one long text so it is easy to find for them, so waiting until you have most of these items settled is going to be best for you to get everyone all of the information so they hopefully don’t need to ask a lot of questions.

Things that they will need to pay for

If you’re having your wedding party pay for any elements of the wedding day, it’s important to tell them this as soon as possible. It can cost around $1,000 total to stand up in a wedding depending on what they are “required” to purchase, so letting them know the general things they will need to foot the bill for upfront is going to be incredibly helpful to them to even know if they have the funds to be included. Some people will have their wedding party pay for their attire, accessories/jewelry, hair, makeup, hotel stays, bachelorx parties, wedding showers, and other items.

Things they might be gifted

Of course it’s not as fun to spoil your gifts, but if you are planning on giving your wedding party gifts such as a necklace or paying for their transportation, it’s good to let them know this ahead of time so they don’t end up getting it themselves before then.

Requirements regarding their looks

Oftentimes, it is beneficial or even essential to tell your wedding party about any requirements regarding their attire, outfits, and other presenting factors for your wedding day. If you want them wearing certain colored shoes, you don’t want them to have jewelry, or if you want them to avoid certain color nails, these are all necessary types of things your wedding party members should know ahead of time so they can plan accordingly. For the attire itself, many people like to have some kind of guidelines if you are allowing them to make any of the choices themselves. Giving a color palette, dress lengths, or tie colors are really going to be helpful unless you have a specific designer, shop, or outfit you have chosen for them to wear specifically.

Wedding day details

Providing the details of the wedding day is definitely going to be helpful to make sure that everything is covered. Things like where and when they need to meet up, what to wear the morning of the wedding while you’re getting ready, what they might need to bring with them, if you have or want any deadlines for them to order their attire, the hair/makeup schedule and when everyone needs to be ready to get hair and makeup done, will you provide transportation and what times they need to be ready for the bus, and maybe even who they are walking with and the order for the ceremony.

Timeline (where they need to be and when)

You don’t necessarily need to provide a minute-by-minute timeline to your wedding party members, but it is wise to give them a few times of when the big things are happening and where they need to be and when. This will hopefully help them keep each other accountable and not get everything off of schedule. This also includes any pre-wedding parties such as engagement parties, wedding showers, bachelorx parties, and your rehearsal.

If they have “tasks” or “jobs”

If you aren’t having a coordinator or a wedding planner, you may want to assign some jobs like moving the cards and gifts, taking behind the scenes videos and photos, keeping track of everyone’s bouquets, or wrangling family and friends for photos. This is usually best received by asking them directly if they are okay/willing to do these tasks instead of just telling them they must do these things, haha.

Your wedding party members hopefully will be able to enjoy supporting you throughout your wedding planning journey and on the wedding day! Having them know this stuff before you get too close to your wedding day will be helpful to keep everything sorted for you and them both. Staying organized throughout the process will help ensure that they can have a nice experience. After all, these are likely some of the most important people in your life and even though the wedding day is about you and your future spouse, it’s good to ensure those people are also able to fully celebrate with you!

If you would like more help to plan your wedding, you can reach out to me here. I would love to help you navigate the big details of your wedding day!


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