What to do about an Uneven Wedding Party for your Wedding Day

There are plenty of times where you may be weighing yours and your partner’s friends and family members that you would have in your wedding party and realize that you don’t have an even number of people that would be standing on both sides. While some people may panic and feel that they need to invite more people into your wedding party to make the numbers line up, there are plenty of options that you can do instead that wouldn’t look weird and are gaining popularity. Here are some of the things you can do to work around having a different number of wedding party members on each side making it uneven.

Have Groups of Three

Many people are concerned about how the wedding party will look while walking down the aisle. Most couples will opt to have the larger side have two people walk with one person from the smaller side as a group of three. This doesn’t look weird to the guests and it ensures that none of your family and friends will have to ride solo if you don’t want that for them!

Have a Few Walk Individually

Alternatively, if you like the idea of pairs and your wedding party member is okay with riding solo, you can have them walk down the aisle by themselves instead. It really doesn’t last that long and again, I promise it doesn’t look odd!

Each Person Walks Individually

If you don’t like the idea of not having perfect pairs, you can have each wedding party member walk by themselves down the aisle. This is usually more recommended with smaller wedding parties since it takes twice as long, but you can either have all of your side go and then all of your partner’s side, or you can have them alternate between your side and your partner’s side.

Standing Slightly Further Apart or Closer Together at the Altar

Once they actually make it down the aisle and if they are standing up at the altar, you can have the smaller group stand slightly further apart from each other than the larger side so it looks more even for photos. Honestly, you and your guests won’t even really notice the difference. Along these lines, you can spread the wedding party members further out in your photos that you take after the ceremony if you really don’t like the look of extra people on one side!

Mix Up the People on Each Side to Support You

You may have a situation that is something like, “I have 1 girl friend, he has 5 guy friends, I have 3 brothers, and neither of us have sisters.” If you are going the traditional route of having gendered parties, you’ll end up with 1 girl and 8 guys. If you’re willing to mix it up a little, you can always have the people that are supporting you specifically stand on your side! This would mean in this situation that you have 4 on your side with your friend and 3 brothers and he has 5 on his side with his friends. This can really help level things out a little more!

When you first realize this problem, It may feel like it’s going to throw everything off. I want you to know this is a lot more common than you think! I personally had 9 bridesmaids and 6 groomsmen for my wedding day and I feel that it ended up not bothering me at all. The photos will still look lovely and you won’t have to scramble to add extra people that you don’t really feel you would have wanted up there anyway.

If you need some more help figuring out the logistics, reach out to me here and I can help you be stress-free while you’re planning your wedding!


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